Tube Packaging

Something You May Not Know too Much About The Aluminum Tube Packaging

The flexible aluminum collapsible tubes is not uncommon in our daily life any more, since they’ve been used as priority packaging in the areas of cosmetic, glue, toothpaste, medicine ointment etc. Because of the various advantages of the aluminum soft tubes. 1.Aluminum has high reserves in nature, it can be exploited in many methods, which make it conducive to wide use and lower cost. 2. Aluminum has good ductility and is easy to be shaped; 3. Aluminum empty soft tube meets the [...]

The Global Makeup Market Survey (Ⅱ)

The prospects for such a clear makeup market worldwide are expected to benefit from three drivers: Firstly, thanks to the disposable income for continuous growth. IMF data show that the economic growth rates of developed and emerging economies will rise from 1.9% and 4.0% in 2015 to 2.1% and 4.7% in 2017, respectively. The economic growth of these economies is increasing the purchasing power of consumers and supporting the market for cosmetic products, such as hair coloring, hand cream, men’s shaving cream [...]

How Is Hair Dye Categorized?

Hair dye is a cosmetics dyeing hair, categorized into temporary, semi-permanent and permanent hair color, which is normally semi-liquid and contained in soft tube, such as plastic tube and aluminum tube and other soft cosmetic tube. Hair dye cosmetics have the effect of changing the color of hair, commonly known as hair dye. The Chinese belong to the yellow race, and most of them use white hair to blacken the beauty, so the hair dye is also relatively monotonous. Europeans and Americans [...]

Cushion Cosmetic From South Korea Is No Longer Exclusive French Brands Are Racing To Grab A Piece Of China Market Share

Cushioning makeup originated from the Korean. Due to the innovative design and convenient apply, with encourage from Korean idol drama, Korean cushion cream has been hot in the Chinese market in the past two years. However, data from BeautyResearch, an authoritative research report of the beauty makeup industry, shows that high-end brands from Europe and the America surpass the Koreas brands and occupied most part of China market. Driven by the high-end brands from French, the brands from Europe [...]